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  • Specifications
  • Size (w, l, h): 150 cm x 150 cm
    Category: Painting
    Technique: Oil
    Made on: Cotton cloth
  • Information
  • Exposure" by Therese Garbov "I painted Exposure to provoke thought," says artist Therese Garbov. "There is so much vulnerability in our world today. Environmental threats, people forced to flee war and natural disasters, while animal species are at risk of extinction for the same reasons. It is easy to feel a sense of despair but we must not forget that we everyone can contribute – reach out a hand and show compassion. The swallows in the painting symbolize hope for the mother and child, swallows have been a symbol throughout the ages that something good is coming." Unique original by Therese Garbov Therese Garbov's Exposure is a unique original, painted in oil on cotton canvas. The artwork is 150 x 150 cm and is only sold at NOA Gallery.
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